Leather Handbags Made In Florence Italy
Come and watch as expert artisans work leather bags.
Leather handbags made in florence italy. Our top of the line hardware great design and naturally tanned leather bags can guarantee you will be satisfied with any leather bag purchase that you make from i medici. Private label oem handbags. In fact our factory in florence italy produces also for some of the world s top 20 brands. Italian leather products 100 made in italy.
Italian leather workshop features hand made in florence italy italian leather bags handbags and other accessories as well as wallets keychains and belts. Bellini also manufactures your own brand handbags. Bidinis bags focus entirely on handbags for women in need of a stylish practical versatility. Pratesi feature a variety of italian leather handbags leather purses and stylish bags for men and women.
Pierotucci leather factory and showroom is located in the heart of tuscany nestled between the historic city center of florence and the famous vineyards of chianti. Discover our top quality italian leather handbags. Wear it everyday or at an evening event a tuscany leather handbag is the cherry on top of every outfit. Quality leather innovative designs and the option to customize our leather handbags to fit your needs make pierotucci top in online shopping for handbags shoulder bags and business bags of.
The peruzzi family has been producing designer label italian leather handbags and leather jackets for more than 60 years and offers a personalized and customized service. Design and made in italy discover how to customize your bag and make it unique. Here you will find the best products worldwide. Our commitment is to offering the latest trends in italian purses and other first rate leather products.
Creativity and my connections with the artisans in florence who took part in making the made in italy famous in the world. Leather handbags and bags made in italy the allure and trendy chic fashion of handcrafted italian leather handbags conveys tradition quality and luxury. Leather handbags made in italy and designed in australia. Designed with you in mind we offer bags that is unique and beautiful our bags are made from top grain calf leather and high quality hardware.
Our artisans are available to customize a product for you offering unique and exclusive specialized assistance in five languages. The italian leather jackets and leather bags are known worldwide for their quality. Handmade italian leather bags belts wallets and other items from our workshop in the heart of florence a few steps away from the ponte vecchio. Italian leather handbags and italian leather bags made by peruzzi in florence italy.
Made in florence italy. Our handbags are made of 100 italian leather. Shop online and save money. Our quality is much higher than the cheap.